Collaboration between Antonio Boggati and Maylin Aguirre
Design in Italy
From the “Genesis” collection, designed by Maylin Aguirre. It’s an official collaboration between Antonio Boggati and Maylin Aguirre,
As a symbol of knowledge, the snake is also considered a symbol of life, as it emerges from the darkness into the light in harmony with each of its energetic vibrations. Traditionally, the serpent represents both male and female energy, power, and strength.
seprenti from Genesis collection
Un f orte legame c on la vita, in armonia
con o gni sua vibrazione energetica, il
serpente viene c onsiderato anche i l
simbolo della c onoscenza poiché
dall'oscurità riemer ge verso la luce,
per la tradizione tan trica il serpen te è
simbolo del po tere ener gico maschile
unito a quello f emminile.